Are Air Conditioning Habits Influencing Your Budget?

In Charleston during COVID-19, your home is your workplace, your safe-haven and a retreat after a morning workout or coming back from running errands. With just the right temperature, the home will be a refresher for your family, but if something goes wrong, your stress levels will let you know!

With a look into how you are managing your system, you’ll come to find if your system is running at it’s highest performance or if it’s just not the superhero it once was.

  1. The lingering heat is here in Charleston. How do you keep your AC in top shape?
    1. Change out your air filter and rest assured it will be fine when it’s hot.
    2. Chat with our team if you haven’t had a seasonal tune-up in the last 2 years.
    3. Think about dusting your air vents.
  2. It’s the end of a day and you don’t feel as cool as usual. What should you do?
    1. Pop open a cold beer.
    2. Schedule an emergency repair.
    3. Turn on the fans in every room.
  3. You’ve had your cooling system since 2010. Where should your conversation start regarding investing in new equipment?
    1. Ask an HVAC company to select the best fit for your home’s design.
    2. Sign up for a home comfort subscription.
    3. Choose the most complicated system you come across.
  4. When next mont’s energy bill arrives, what can you expect?
    1. With summer temps, it will just be higher.
    2. It should look similar to this month last year.
    3. I couldn’t say. Some months are fine. Some months are shocking.
  5. You hear unusual noises in from your air vents or air return. What now?
    1. Take a look and see about a DIY repair.
    2. Call us to take a look (at no cost to you).
    3. Hope it stops by tomorrow.

How did you score? Mostly B’s means you are doing pretty good. You take care of things well and plan for many cool years ahead. You may need to consider the outcome if you found yourself looking at A’s or C’s.

You will find yourself spending a lot of money now and especially later if you don’t maintain your heating and cooling system.

If you take good care, you will save a lot of hassle. If you it’s been a while and you just can’t stay cool, think about financing a new system with no initial cost and free maintenance.

Learn more

Just give us a call or schedule a free consultation. We’re here to keep you cool!

Photo by Corinne Kutz